Meet the Cast

Vicky Valentine
Kate Robertson Pryor is a professional actor living in Omaha, Nebraska. Originally from Tennessee, Kate and her husband moved to the Omaha area two years ago on an Air Force military assignment where Kate jumped right into the Nebraska acting community.Skating is one of Kate’s special skills she acquired during childhood and continued on into her adult life. She loved being able to use this skill in her role as roller derby bad ass, Vicky Valentine, in the upcoming psycho thriller feature Valentine Crush. Kate is thrilled to have been the lead role where her character is tough, brave, powerful, strong, smart and beautiful and thankful we live in a time where that’s possible. Let’s Jam, Y’all!
Knockout Nancy
Kristen Ford is an actor, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and producer based out of Nashville, TN. A lifelong traveler, she has toured 48 states and 6 countries performing her original music. She loved creating original music for Valentine Crush and making her film acting debut as "Knockout Nancy". Ford seeks to constantly blur the lines between screen and sound, truth and fiction, translating the human experience be it on-screen or in surround sound. It's sure to knock you out.

Dick Richie
Kevin Griffith has a history of "announcing" his presence in the world of acting both on and off the screen so he was the perfect fit for in-your-face announcer, Dick Richie. Kevin is no stranger to the stay, boasting acting credits on stage with "Inspecting Carol," "Chess," and "Jesus Christ Super Star" at the Old Towne Dinner Theatre, and on screen in "Class President." For many of his roles, Kevin's talents as a stylist have gone hand-in-hand with his acting, including the opportunity to style Cindy Koster's hair during the filming of "Dances with Wolves." Kevin was a natrual fit for the part of Dick Richie and is excitd to make this his film debut.

Hailing from a small town in Nebraska, Anthony Hunke has been involved with theater since High School. Being the middle child in a family of five, and growing up on a farm, Anthony was no stranger to a hard day’s work. However, that did not stop him from finding entertainment wherever he could. His imagination and his siblings provided the spark that would take him to the the theater. Since joining the stellar family at the Old Towne, he has starred in several shows, including lending his vocal talents to a radio show through the Sioux Empire Community Theater. Anthony hopes to utilize this knowledge and experience to bring something truly unique to the character of Beau in the film, “Valentine Crush.”

​Cameron Double-Diaz
Moiria "Candy Insane" Curry, SDSU alumni, Brookings,SD resident, and mom of 4 Jaw-some kids. Her "day job" is working as an Afternoon Shelter Coordinator for the Brookings Regional Humane Society. When she's not working at the shelter and raising kids, she works as the Game/Event Coordinator and a jammer for Midwest Maidens Roller Derby, occasional film and community theater actress, karaoke queen, and neonatal kitten and higher medical needs cat/kitten foster mom. Moiria loves fashion and costume design, punk rock music, and spooky goth sparkly decor. Oh, and she has 6 cats and a turtle!

Sneak Easy
With only a week of prompting for the role, Sarah Sky Brings Three White Horses skated onto the set with ease. Using her many artistic talents, she quickly switched hats depending on the time of day between playing her character, Sneak EZ, and the role of Production Assistant. Spending every weekend as a kid in the local skating rink playing derby queen made it super easy for Sarah to step in front of the camera with ease, especially when she had to do her own stunts! Outside of film, Sarah models for fun and is a painter with artwork featured here in the U.S. and New Zealand. An alumnus of Haskell Indian Nations University, Sara is pursuing of a master of legal studies in the Juridical Science of Indigenous American law. Sarah resides in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with her mother and four cats.

Orlando-based rapper/singer E-Turn released her third full-length, Young World, in late
2018 on Fake Four Inc. Backed by the soulful, melodic boom-bap of Swamburger (Solillaquists of Sound), E- Turn utilizes a multitude of deliveries and croons to issue a call to arms against the maladies of modernity. While early returns of the digital age are awash with tales of rampant greed, cruelty, and alienation, E-Turn expresses hope that the tools at our disposal can be used for the greater good of humanity. And Hip Hop, at its best, can play its part. Entertainment helps
us forget ourselves. Art helps us remember ourselves. E-Turn grew up among mixed cultures. Her father came from Iran to America during the
revolution, and her mom, a San Diegan of Hispanic/native descent, had a volatile upbringing.
E began singing at a very young age, rapping in 7th grade, performing with a cover band at 17 and then hitting the Hip Hop open mic circuit at the age of 19. Now, she’s touring in the U.S. and Europe, and has shared the stage with several iconic artists.
Drawing influence everywhere from Mos Def to Stevie Nicks, E’s writing conveys urgency, mindfulness, and resilience in the face of pain. Her gritty, impassioned delivery
will not only captivate you, it’ll leave you wanting more. For many lost in the now, viewing life through a screen like a porthole on a sinking ship, E-Turn offers hope that we can rise to the surface and find something real and lasting.